Principal Investigator
Dr. Yen-Fu Lin
Group Leader
He received a B. Sc. degree in Physics at Tunghai University (Taiwan) in 2005. In 2010, he obtained a Ph. D. degree in Institute of Electrophysics from National Chiao-Tung University (NCTU, Taiwan). He worked in NCTU as a postdoctoral fellow (2010/08-2012/12) and then was a MANA research associate in National Institute for Material Science (NIMS, Japan) from 2013/01 to 2014/01. In Feb. 2014, he joined National Chung Hsing University (NCHU, Taiwan) as an Assistant Professor (Department of Physics). His fields of experience are fabrication and characterization of nano-devices and his current research interests focus on fundamental electron transport physics as well as applications of low-dimensional electronics.
2021.08-now Professor, Institute of Nanoscience and Department of Physics, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan
2017.02-2021.06 Associate Professor, Institute of Nanoscience and Department of Physics, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan
2014.02-2017.01 Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan
2013.01-2014.01 Researcher, WPI Research Center-Internation Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan
2010.08-2013.01 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Electrophysics, National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan
Awards or Honors:
2024: 22nd Y. Z. Hsu Science Paper Award (第22屆有庠科技論文獎)
2024: NSTC – Outstanding Research Award (國科會112年度傑出研究獎)
2022: Invited to be an Early Career Advisory Board Member in Materials Today Electronics (Elsevier) (受邀擔任Elsevier出版社期刊Materials Today Electronics青年諮詢編輯委員會委員)
2019: MOST – Young Researcher Award – Ta-You Wu Memorial Award (科技部108年度吳大猷先生紀念獎)
2017: TCUS – Young Researcher Award – an Excellent Work (2017年台灣綜合大學年輕學者選拔-佳作獎)
2017: MOST – College Student Research Creativity Award – Adviser Award (科技部105年度大專學生研究計畫研究創作-導師獎)
2017-2024: Invited to be an Editorial Board Member in Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (受邀擔任英國自然雜誌子期刊-科學報導(Scientific Reports)之編輯委員會委員)
2017-2018: NCHU – Excellent Junior Research Investigator Grant (國立中興大學優秀年輕學者獎助計畫-懷璧獎)
2016: MOST – College Student Research Creativity Award – Adviser Award (科技部104年度大專學生研究計畫研究創作-導師獎)
2016: 國立中興大學優秀勞作教育導師
2010: The Physical Society of the Republic of China, Premium Ph. D. Thesis Award (2010) (2010年物理學會優良論文獎)
2010: 15th Lam Research Thesis Contest, First Prize Award; ‘’Electrical Transport of Semiconducting Nanostructures and Impact of Nanocontact on Nanoelectronics’’ (第十五屆科林論文頭等獎)
2008: CTCI Science and Technology Research Scholarship (2008年中技社科技研究論文獎)
2005: Taichung City Academic Model Student (2005年台中市模範學生)
“Semiconductor Physics and Devices (I) and (II)”, “General Physics (I) and (II)”, “Introduction of Nanotechnology”, and “Experiment of General Physics”.
Mailing Address:
Office: 2A01 Science College Building, Department of Physics, NCHU No. 250, Guoguang Rd., Taichung City 402, Taiwan
Contact Information:
Tel: +886-4-2284-0427 ext. 291
Fax: +886-4-2286-2534
Room 3A11 and 512, Science College Building, Department of Physics, NCHU
Lab Phone: +886-4-2284-0427 ext. 310 or 311